Mexican independent animation filmmaker.

Bastián Pascal @SkoolCool

Age 30, Male

Film & Animation


Mexico City

Joined on 12/24/05

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SkoolCool's News

Posted by SkoolCool - April 28th, 2009

This is the last post I'll make before having a trophie. That meeeeeans my next post will be on frontpage, fuck yeah.

The last one

Posted by SkoolCool - February 26th, 2009

Something weird is going on right now. Is it me or this is happening to everyone?

NG wut?

Posted by SkoolCool - February 11th, 2009


Oh, and here is Obama's best friend.

SkoolToons 2008

Posted by SkoolCool - January 13th, 2009

Posted by SkoolCool - December 23rd, 2008

SkoolCool.ZasQuash.com: Adonde vienen los muertos de risa
Hola, los saluda Bastián Pascal, mejor conocido como "SkoolCool". Este hermoso journal que acaban de abrir es para anunciar el estreno del sitio web mas esperado de todos, el mas grandioso, el mas sexy: mi sitio web (jojojo)
Para los que no lo sepan, yo hago animación a computadora, dibujo comics, hago ilustraciones y un sin fin de cosas más, por lo que mi sitio/portafolio les puede resultar interesante. Ahí encontraran todos mis trabajos hasta la fecha, que incluyen (como ya había mencionado) las mejores animaciónes cómicas en español de todo internet (o por lo menos el internet que yo conozco).


Siguiendo ese link de arriba entraran al sitio y podran empezar a disfrutar de gran parte de él. Las secciones EN CONSTRUCCIÓN seran publicadas durante las siguientes semanas, por lo que ya tienen pretexto para volver a visitar el sitio. El blog les informara todos los fines de semana de las actualizaciones recientes, y en la portada del sitio tendran accesos directos a la animación mas reciente, el comic más nuevo (en inglés temporalmente) y alguna que otra cosilla.

Pero, ¿Porqué seguir leyendo esto cuando ya podrías estar disfrutando del sitio? Entra ya!


Saludos y espero que disfruten del sitio y se vuelvan visitantes frecuentes. Me gustaria saber cual es su opinion sobre el sitio, asi que no duden en comentar en este journal cuando tengan tiempo.

Atte: Bastián "SkoolCool" Pascal
(aquí iría una imagen si no me diera flojera poner una que no sea .png)


Posted by SkoolCool - November 23rd, 2008

It's a Demo Reel, nice huh?

Posted by SkoolCool - November 9th, 2008

It's the collab I've been working on


I doubt none of my non-mexican viewers know this, but yesterday a jet crushed in the middle of a street on the City of Mexico killing 10 people and hurting 40 more. I'm glad to say that none of my family members or friends were there during the "accident", you can relax, but the problem is that this was probably an attack of the drug-traffickers, because the jet was full of politicians, important ones. Hopefully there will be no more attacks, but all we can do is wait.

What I'm sure you all know is that Barack Obama won the elections of United States of America. I'm glad he won, even if it's not my country, it is our closer "neighbour". So yeah, Barack D'oh!bama.

Now lets talk about my own news:

>Everything Went Black Halloween Collab: Cancelled. ErnestoGod decided for some reason to cancell the collab, so you can already watch my clip here . If you can't watch it because of the Mature Content filter, it is in YouTube and in SheezyArt .It didn't get too much positive feedback and I understand it, you are used to receive funny stuff from me. This was interesting to animate but I prefer making comedy. So, if you want some of that comedy, watch the LOL Version .
>School: I make some animating for a presentation for school, and I will probably be making more soon. I doubt you'll like it, so I will save them until I became lazy of animating. Like that will ever happen! HA!
>Christmas flash, thats what I'm planning now

Other Stuff
>Oh yeah, S&S is in HIATUS too. We'll return on our first anniversary, January 19th.

Y en español que?
Como yo amo a mis amigos los hispanohablantes (porque yo soy uno, jo jo jo) ahora TODOS mis journals tendran una pequeña parte en español. Es que se lo merecen caray
>Mi sitio web ya empezo a prepararse. Con un poco de suerte tendremos la Etapa 1 este Diciembre, o antes incluso.
>Habrá un flash navideño proximamente, probablemente en español.
>Jejejeje es divertido escribir en español, el inglés me cansa.

SkoolCool in DeviantArt
SkoolCool en ZasQuash
SkoolCool in SheezyArt
SkoolCool in YouTube

Posted by SkoolCool - October 5th, 2008

It is October, a month full with days and weeks, and hours occasionally. Lets see what's new this month shall we?

>This is Madness!: Mild grade in NewGrounds, if I ever made another Madness flash it will be much better.
>Halloween: Planning a shortie short for October 31, apart from the one one for E.W.B.

Other Stuff
>Motorokr Fest (its a concert): In October 18 I'll be hearing 12 rock bands and I'll eat a lot of stuff thats not good for anyone's health. Its going to be a 6 hours crazy party! I'll be telling you how was it.
>Exams: School is gay so I'm having exams next week, and the following one too. Comics will be updated but I doubt I will work in flash during those days.

That's it!

My DeviantArt Account
Mi sitio web en español
My YouTube account
My SheezyArt Account

Posted by SkoolCool - September 15th, 2008

I am working on a Madness flash but I don't know how to get the Madness loader, any help?

My DeviantArt Account
Mi sitio web en español
My YouTube account
My SheezyArt Account

Posted by SkoolCool - July 27th, 2008

Just telling everyone how is everything about:
I use this account just for uploading some of my flash animations, specialy the ones in english, because I find out that people here don´t like spanish aniamtions, even with subtitles. So I´m giving you just some completely english aniamtions for you to enjoy.
For more animations please visit:
DeviantART Account animations, doodles and more stuff
YouTube Account more animations
SheezyArt Account more animations

Sitio web (en español) en Construcción